Pro Se or Court-Ordered Mediation
What Is Mediation?
Mediation Is An Informal, Confidential, Consensual, And Flexible Dispute Resolution Process. It Is Voluntary Unless It Is Court-Ordered. Mediators Do Not Tell The Parties What To Do Or Give Any Advice To The Parties – The Decision Power Stays With The Party. The Job Of The Mediator Is To Help Both Sides Define The Issues Clearly, Understand Each Other’s Position, And Help The Parties Move Closer To A Resolution Through Joint Sessions And Separate Caucuses With The Parties. Mediation Is A Flexible Process Used To Settle Disputes In A Whole Range Of Situations Such As Workplace And Consumer Issues.
Pro Se or Court-Ordered Mediation
Ms. Bac is a Certified Florida Supreme Court, County, Family, and Circuit/Civil, Mediator/Arbitrator. She will apply her expertise and qualifications to help both parties to reach a resolution of their issues in a consensual and confidential manner. Ms. Bac offers collaborative and experience with a client-oriented and hands-on approach towards all disputes including Pro-se, Pre Trial, and/or Court Ordered Cases.